Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Quick weight loss Tips for teenagers and ladies...

Hi, I am Andrea Thomas, blessed with two kids.

This is a diary I wrote to help any teenagers & Ladies suffering with weight problems, find the best program that supports easy weight loss for you.

I know that there are many diet advertisements around that tell you their product really works. I just thought I would share my story with you in the hopes of inspiring you with a real example, and not just the lies that companies use. This is the true story of how I went from depressed and overweight to having an amazing body with the help of a weight loss products.

There is one thing as adults we can hate, and that's our metabolism! In recent years, I really started to pack on the pounds. What's really frustrating is I hadn't changed my lifestyle much, yet I couldn't keep from gaining weight.

I've never been super thin, but I remember how when I entered university I weighed right around 120 lbs. I wasn't a supermodel, but at the same time, I was very comfortable with my body, my weight, and how I looked, and I found the boys thought the same!

After marrying Thomas and getting older, life got busier and more hectic and so did the amount of weight I put on. After having Ryan and Morgan I tried hard to lose most of the baby weight but still ended up about 5-10 pounds heavier after each child. I tried many diets over the years, but no 'brand-name' diets could get rid of the extra pounds- they did however age to get rid of a lot of hard earned money in the process! From there it just spiraled down an ugly path. The more overweight I became, the less I tried to control my weight. In essence, I let myself go. I know it had a negative impact on my friends and family, but I was pretty depressed about things at the time and I wasn't taking into account how my actions were affecting others.

A couple months ago, I went into my favorite department store to buy a dress for my niece's wedding. When I tried it on, I noticed that I was 4 dress sizes larger than I once was. That's when it hit me. I had gained almost 30 lbs of body fat over recent years. I can't really describe the awful feeling I felt as that thought crossed my mind. I stood there in the dressing room looking at my body. I hated my fat stomach, my fat thighs, and most of all my fat bottom.

Although I felt terrible about myself, I didn't see anything I could do to change. I had tried everything from the South Beach diet, to Adkins, to different cleanses including the one with water/honey/cayenne pepper/mablesyrup, to just not eating. But nothing I had ever tried in the past worked. Then one day while surfing the net, I saw something that has transformed my life.

Yes, this is my last product ever i tried , which changed my life.

Fat loss for Idiots like me...after trying various methods...

I have to say that initially, I was very skeptical since the Fat loss 4 Idiots is mostly about dieting - something I really hate. But I sucked it up and decided to give it a shot.

Out of the 3 programs, this one was the cheapest at $39.00. That's a plus.

This program was available through instant download like the rest. As soon as I started reading it, I knew it was the most thorough. But it was very short and to the point. There was less talking about the science of being fat and more about how to get thin. The bonuses were also very helpful, especially the nutrition guide. I have a real problem watching what I eat!

Customer support was fantastic. Unlike before, I got an answer in a matter of a few hours! That was definitely a plus in my book.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the best weight loss program for teens & ladies in my book. The program is easy to understand, easy to follow, and delivers on all of it's claims. It helped me shed over 25 pounds in a few months!

Even better, I actually enjoy exercising and dieting now!

My verdict on this one:

Price - 5/5 Stars
Quality - 5/5 Stars
Effectiveness - 5/5 Stars
Ease of Use - 4/5(since you have to follow the Diet)
Support - 5/5

If you're serious about losing weight, keeping it off, and changing your life completely I highly recommend that you get started with Fat Loss 4 Idiots today!

Best Diet Solution Program Review:

Ok. This was the 2nd product that I tried.

I have to say that it seemed a lot more what I was looking for in a weight loss program than the Best Fat Loss Diet program.

Just like my before, I went for the high end membership. This program was $47.

Just like with Fat Loss 4 Idiots, I got complete access to the program as soon as I paid. This is definitely something I liked. I hate paying for something and then having to wait for 2 weeks for it to arrive at my door.

This program was alot more thorough than Fat Loss, but was not as difficut to understand. It definitely felt like it was geared toward a "normal" person. There were also a lot of helpful bonuses included. The recipe guide and the calorie counter worksheet were very helpful for me.

Customer support was still slow, but not as slow as before. This time it took 3 days to get back to me, but when they did, their answer was less than satisfactory to say the least.

The Diet Solution program is another weight loss program that, although thorough and overall quite good, seems to be lacking something. The program is good and when followed, will deliver on it's claims, but it will take a lot of work and time.

My verdict on this one:

Price - 3/5 Stars
Quality - 4/5 Stars
Effectiveness - 4/5 Stars
Ease of Use - 3/5
Support - 3/5

Watch the video to know How To Strip The Fat Here.

Top Secret Fat Loss Review

Ok. This was the 1st product that I tried.

It claimed to reveal to you the real "secret" to why you're fat and why you can't seem to lose weight no matter how hard you try. It also boasted to show you how to shed the pounds and keep them off.

This caught my attention since I had been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for 3 years!

The product looked great, so I decided to give it a try and bought the "Hardcore Elite Version" for $57. The price was high, but nothing really to the amounts I have spent over my 3 year conquest on my weight.

The guide was available immediately for me to download right after my payment was confirmed. That was a plus since I was fired up to get started right away.

The guide was very thorough, but a little bit lengthy. I felt myself losing concentration and even getting overwhelmed at times due to it's length. However, I like the material inside. It introduced me to a lot of things about losing weight that I didn't know about.

But after reading the guide, I still felt like something was missing and had a few questions. I tried to contact customer support, but I never got a reply until 5 days after contacting them, so that definitely turned me off.

The verdict on this one:

Price - 3/5 Stars
Quality - 3/5 Stars
Effectiveness - 3/5 Stars
Ease of Use - 4/5
Support - 2/5

Read more on Top Secret Fat Loss Here

Welcome to My Blog!

Over the years, I tried many things to help me lose weight, but nothing worked. It's so hard to find a weight loss program for home makers, so it's really hard people my age to lose weight.

Last year, after over 3 years of trying to lose weight, I finally found a weight loss program that supported easy wight loss for ladies. But it was far from easy. Believe me.

It took over 3 years of testing and over $1,000, but I finally found a real easy weight loss program.

Like I said, I tried tons of programs that failed. It got so bad that I was seriously considering just getting lipo done. Last year, I found 3 program that were all effective in their own right, but 1 took the cake.

I rated all 3 for you that you on the following criteria:

Ease of Use

I hope you can learn something from me here and more importantly gain the same results that I have.

Andrea Thomas.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post , I READ it , your tips are worth trying, Dave
